Governance Professional Handbook
Governance Professional Handbook
The Governance Professional Handbook can be purchased for $299. It was substantially complete prior to COVID 19. During the pandemic, some governance practices evolved, e.g., annual shareholder meetings, which were held virtually in great numbers given the inability to travel and convene in person. Moreover, new rules were promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission since the Spring of 2020 which could impact governance practices. It is important to note that this primer was not updated to reference these or other recent corporate governance developments, as the primer aligns to the CCGP test blueprint established in 2018. The primer remains a useful resource for CCGP test candidates and we believe has utility as a general reference guide to corporate governance professionals outside of the exam context.

If you are applying for the CCGP test, you have the option to purchase the handbook for $249. You must be approved to take the test to receive the discounted price. You can download the test application and check the handbook with test option.

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